Passing On HEPS, TKC, ORLA

Quick update to eliminate a few more Green Screen Stocks for consideration. First, I'm passing on D-MARKET (HEPS) and Turkcell Iletisim (TKC). The former is an e-commerce operation not unlike Amazon, and the second is a leading cell service provider, both operating in the country of Turkey. I don't have any particular issue with the companies, but Turkey isn't one of my favorite countries to invest in, mainly because of a history of rampant inflation and currency depreciation, even recently. The third stock I'm passing on is Orla Mining, another gold mining stock, for the same reasons mentioned a couple weeks ago. Will continue keeping an eye out for interesting Green Screen options for the Watch List!

Watch List

VTEX -14.29%
S 8.93%
CRWD 70.81%
SEMR 8.00%
SNOW 18.60%
SE 55.51%

Buy List

GOOG -32.11%
NYAX -49.75%
ASR -28.60%
PAYC -27.87%
HRMY -42.57%
YOU -46.86%
MELI -25.58%
ADBE -33.64%

Hold List

ZETA -24.16%
MSFT -22.56%
ODD -21.97%
FLYW 4.05%
CELH -14.91%
TOST 32.91%
CPNG -6.13%
HIMS -0.54%
MNDY 15.26%
GLBE 19.36%
ZS 18.72%
V -11.46%
ADSK 9.16%
NOW 48.20%
ABNB -19.09%
FTNT 1.32%
TEAM 12.66%