Market Finally Taking Notice Of Clear Secure's Results

Clear Secure (YOU) has always had a puzzling valuation to me, given the firm's continued growth and voluminous cash flow generation. Q2 was another good one: revenues were up 25%, paid members grew 15%, total members (including free) were up a very impressive 39%, and platform uses grew 34%. Those last 2 numbers are a testament to some of the partners Clear is starting to add, including, Home Depot, and LinkedIn. - we're starting to see the optionality in the platform come into play. I would like to see retention start to improve (it was a bit down again at 83.7%), but price hikes are offsetting the effects of that. Overall, I still like Clear and continue to see it as undervalued, even after a big increase in the share price post-report. It gets a couple dollar fair value bump to $48.

Watch List

VTEX -9.71%
S 12.83%
CRWD 80.72%
SEMR 11.72%
SNOW 21.49%
SE 57.38%

Buy List

GOOG -31.42%
NYAX -53.45%
ASR -27.70%
PAYC -29.22%
HRMY -44.10%
YOU -50.88%
MELI -25.87%
ADBE -32.52%

Hold List

ZETA -23.47%
MSFT -19.37%
ODD -23.36%
FLYW -4.21%
CELH -21.75%
TOST 40.35%
CPNG -6.38%
HIMS 10.32%
MNDY 18.52%
GLBE 20.04%
ZS 21.96%
V -9.08%
ADSK 12.76%
NOW 56.87%
ABNB -20.22%
FTNT 4.78%
TEAM 18.62%