Some Good, Some Bad In Toast's Q2

Toast, our restaurant management platform provider, reported a solid quarter on the face of it, with revenues up 27% and annual recurring revenue up 29%. Payment volume processed grew 26%, and total locations using the platform expanded 29%. These are all signs of a growing, healthy business. The firm achieved GAAP profitability for the first time, and free cash flow generation continues to strengthen. One concern is the share dilution rate - share count bloated by 11% this quarter. Investors have to be wary of this as it "waters down" the benefits of the company's growth for existing shareholders. Adjusting my model for it, I think a slight cut in the fair value is warranted. I'm lowering it by a buck down to $28.50. That said, Toast stock still looks buyable at current prices.

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VTEX -9.71%
S 12.83%
CRWD 80.72%
SEMR 11.72%
SNOW 21.49%
SE 57.38%

Buy List

GOOG -31.42%
NYAX -53.45%
ASR -27.70%
PAYC -29.22%
HRMY -44.10%
YOU -50.88%
MELI -25.87%
ADBE -32.52%

Hold List

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MSFT -19.37%
ODD -23.36%
FLYW -4.21%
CELH -21.75%
TOST 40.35%
CPNG -6.38%
HIMS 10.32%
MNDY 18.52%
GLBE 20.04%
ZS 21.96%
V -9.08%
ADSK 12.76%
NOW 56.87%
ABNB -20.22%
FTNT 4.78%
TEAM 18.62%